WIMPY KID #1 단어정리

건앤로즈 2017. 7. 4. 17:47


윔피키드를 우연히 읽게 되어서 단어정리와 함께 예문을 정리했습니다.

필요하신분 참고로 보세요~

1.come in handy :유용하다,쓸모있게 되다 This book is gonna come in handy

2.moron : 얼간이

3.spurt:급성장,용속음 : You've got kids like me who haven't hit their growth spurt yet mixed in with these gorillas who need to shave twice a day

4.outta : out of : outta  my way

5.runt:왜소한 사람

6.sneak off : 슬그머니 떠나다

7.be subject to : ~할 대상이다. : Rowley is technically my best friend, but that is definitely subject to change.

8.technically:엄밀히 따지면

9.getting on me about

10.scrape: 긁다.

11.potty : 유아용 변기 sits on his plastic potty

12.head-to- head : 얼굴을 마주대고 I could beat anyone in my grad head-to-head

13.hassling : 재촉하다,볶다. :Dad started hassling me about going outside.

14.dismantle :분해하다 : I'm sure Dad would dismantle my game system if he could figure out how  to do it.

15.parent-proof:부모에게 들키기 싫은것을 감추기 : the people who make these things make themparent-proof

16.look it up :검색 하다 : his dad looks it up on some parents' website

17.mopping the floor : 대걸레로 바닥을 닦다.

18.backfire:역효과를 낳다. But my trick kind of backfired,because as soon as Mom saw me, she made me go upstaire and take a shower

19.awful : 끔직한, 무서운 : Rodrick's band is really awful, and I can't stand being home when they're having rehearsals

20.rehearsal 리허설


22.drive off to : 떠나다 he drove off to the store and came back fifteen minutes later with some headphones

23.snuk(sneak) :빠져나오다 I snuck it out of the house.

24.come up with : (해답을) 찾아내다 Then I came up with this great idea for a game.

25.i could tell : 내가 봐도 알수있다. I could tell she didn't want to be interrupted.

26.parental : 무보의, 아버지의 parental warnning

27.sarcastic : 빈정대는,비꼬는 I didn't get that he was being sarcastic, So I kind of let my guard down

28.be all for : ~을 굳게 믿다

29.bug : 괴롭히다. That really bugged Rodrick

30.blubbering;  울면서 말하다

31.be grounded from : 금지 당하다. I was grounded from playing video games for two weeks, which is about what I expected

32.to get off:


34.get worked up over : 흥분하다. 소동부리다. I saw  the magazine myself, and it honestly wasn't anything to get worked up over.

35.treasurer:회계담당자 But when I started thinking about it, I realized getting elected Treasurer could totally change my situation at school.

36.run for : 출마하다. Nobody ever thinks about running for Treasurer

37.fabrications:거짓말,꾸며낸것,위조 Mr Roy said you weren't allowed to write "fabrications" about the other candidates

38.lice:(머리 이)

39.vice principal :부교장

40.driveway :사유차로 And if any teenagers pass by our driveway,he drenches them

41.drench : 흠뻑 적시다

42.take any chances : 위험을 감수하다. but I wasn't taking any chances

43.bail someone out : 쏙 빠져나가다 Mon stepped in and bailed us out

44.buck :달러 I told the kids that admission was two bucks

45.typo : 오자(신문 틀린 글자) the fifty-cent thing was just a typo

45.get the word out :

46.cough up : (마지못해서 돈을) 내놓다 : The first kid to cough up his two bucks was Shane Snella.

47.curl up :웅크리다. Shane curled up in a ball underneath the bed.

48.budge : 약간움직이다. he wouldn't budge.

49.clog :막다,막히다. with this kid clogging up the Hall of Screams

50.grown-ups : 어른 the grown-ups in my neighborhood have been getting cranky about my lame costumes.

51.cranky :기이한

52.lame :절음발이

53.have an effect on : 영향을 미치다. I'm starting to think it's actually having an effect on the amount of candy  I'm bringing in

54.spooky :으스스한,구신이 나올거 같은

55.legitimate:정당한,타당한 : we really were running a legitimate operation

56.play-by-play :스포츠 실황 중계

57.rule out:배제시키다. so that ruled out pretty much every house on our block.

58.cocky : 자만심에 찬 That's when we started getting cocky,making monkey noises at the teenagers and whatnot

59.whatnot : 인가 뭔가(정확하지 않거나 이름 모를때)

60.porch: 현관  I know she keeps a key under the mat on her front porch

61.crash at : ~에서 자다. I called Mon to tell her we were going to crash at Gramma's for the night.

62.gymnasties : 체조

63.strain :  전력을 쏟다 , 안간힘을 쓰다 he could toss em around without straining himself

64.singlet : 런닝셔츠 we have to wear these things called "singlets",which look like those bathing suits.

65.trade for : ~로 교환하다.(경쟁자) I would have traded for Benny Wells in a heartbeat

66.in a heartbeat : 생각해 볼 것도 없이 당장

67.pin: 꼼짝 못하게 하다. he pinned me over every which way you could imagine.

68.trip over. 발에 걸려 넘어지다. You can't walk five feet without tripping over a couple of kids going at it.

69.stuff : 채워넣다, 쑤셔넣다.


71.stick with : 곁에 머물다  I could stick with an exercise regime

72.regime:정권,제도 exercise regime 운동법

73.gross : 총(sum)

74.jumping jack : 도약운동

75.hold someone back ~을 저지[제지]하다. I wasn't going to let that hold me back.

76.coudln't wait:너무 ~ 하고싶다. I couldn't wait to start my weight-training programme today.

77.my  fingers crossed for 행운을 빌다. I should keep my fingers crossed for Christmas

78.but then.

79.fridge 냉장고

80.pip up : 지껄이기 시작하다. Patty Farrell piped up from the front of the room

81.flunk : 낙제하다.I ended up flunking the quiz.

82.tryout : 모집, 시험해 보기 school is having tryouts for a winter play

83.single out : 선발되다 I got singled out

84.giggling :킬킬웃다.

85.with my luck.

86.bean  머리를 때리다.they get to bean

87.bone to pick:따질일이 있다.

88.rule out :  배제하다. I guess that rules out any apple-throwing.

89.hind :. (동물의 다리・발을 가리킬 때) 뒤의 now we've got a dog that's gonna be walking around on his hind legs for the whole show.

90.peg : 못

91.shrub 관목 : he got stuck with being the shrub

92.trip over : 걸려서 넘어지다. Archie Kelly tripped over Rodney James and chipped his tooth because he couldn't stick his arms out to break his fall

93.chip: 이가 빠지게 하다.

94.stick out : 내밀다

95.peek out : 훔처보다. I was peeking through the curtain to check out how many people showed up to see the play

96.stage fright : 무대 공포증 Rodney James had stage fright.

97.suck it up: 잘 받아들이다.do nothing could just suck it up for one performance.

98.budge : 약간움직이다. 꼼짝하다. but Rodney wouldn't budge

99.humiliate : 굴욕감을 주다 he would keep the tape forever and use it to humiliate me for the rest of my life

100.stomach jump : 긴장하다. I felt my stomach jump

101.eyeballs : 안구 I could feel about 300 pairs of eyeballs pointed my way

102.deflect : 방향을 바꾸다. I was able to deflect the embarrassment over to Archie Kelly

103.hold something over someone : 협박하다.

103.tip someone off something : 귀뜸해주다.제보하다 the only thing that tipped me off that Christmas was coming was when Rodrick put his wish list up on the refrigerator.

104.fort : 보루 요새

105.when it comes to :~관한한,~에 대해서 라면

106.hook someone up : 연결시켜주다 he said he'd hook me up

107.swoop in : 획 낚아채다 Whenever someone opens a gift, Dad swoops right in and cleans up after them.

108.that's how : 그렇게 해서 ~ 하는거야. that's how I learned to speak english ( 그렇게 해서 영어를 배웠다.)

109.pull it off. 해내다, I don't think I could pull it off

110.shape a bow

111.yam 참마

112.bandit : 노상강도 Manny made out like a bandit

113.rumble : 우르렁 거리며 나가다

114.crank out : 빠르게 만들어내다. I thought I could just crank out my thank-you cards in a half hour

115.crack up : 마구 웃기 시작하다. all the jokes that usually crack him up weren't working

116.cash in on : ~으로 벌다, ~을 이용하다, 편승하다. I tried to cash in on some of Rowley's new  popularity, but it totally backfired

117.swarm:떼를 지어다니다. I couldn't figure out why the girls weren't swarming me like they swarmed Rowley

118.authority : 권한,지위

119.perk:특전 another great perk is that out get to show up ten minutes late for first period

120.I'm telling you :정말이다

121.slack off : 게으름 부리다 I've kind of slacked off ever since I became a Safety Patrol.So I was psyched.


123.tore up : 갈기 찢다. The snowball had got so heavy that is tore up all the turf Dad had just laid down last autumn.


125.gimmick 술책 the cast if a great gimmick because everyone wants to sign their name on it

126.piddly : 하찮은 I watched Manny trying to build a snowman out of the piddly crumbs of snow that were left over from our snowball


128.couldn't help ~ing:하지 않을 수 없다. I really couldn't help dong what I did next.

129.get a kick out :  재미를 느끼다. I thought he might actually get a kick out of what happened

130.ambush : 매복했다가 습격하다. we got ambushed from the street

131.have a taste of :을 맛보다. I had a taste of what it's like to be famous at my school when I won honorable mention in this anti-smoking contest they

132.tick someone off: 짜증나게 하다/나무리다 And what kind of ticks me off is that Chris smokes at least a pack of cigarettes a day

133.strip : 만화

134.bog down : 빠뜨리다,꼼짝 못하게 만들다../bog 수렁,습지 That way we wouldn't get bogged down with having to write actual jokes

135.beak someone back 

136.bang out: 단숨에 쓰다. I must've banged out twenty strips, and I didn't even break a sweat

137.beak a sweat : 열심히 땀을 흘리다[노력하다]

138.chumming it up 친하게 지내다 

139.sleepover : 자고가다,함께 자며 놀기

140.booger : 한놈, 코딱지 I chased you with a booger on my finger.

141.yearbook : 졸업앨범

142.pilling out : 타이어자국을 남기며 급발진 하다.

143.screeching sound  : 끼익거리는 소리 there was a screeching sound in the school parking lot

144.awfully :정말 몸시

145.egg someone : 부추기다, 선동하다. who were egging me and Rowley on yesterday afternoon.

146.too big for one's britches : 분수를 모르는, 건방진  But if he ever gets too big for this britches, I'll just remind him that he was the guy who ate the cheeze

147.decent : 괜찮은

148.practically : 사실상,거의

149:yell out : 소리치다, 고함지르다.

150.shake up : 일깨우다.

151.relieved : 안도하다

152.reinstate:복귀하다,회복시키다. Rowley got reinstated as a Patrol.

153.rat someone out : 밀고하다.

154.kick off 짤리다.  the worst part of getting kicked off Safety patrols is losing your hot chocolate privileges.

155.incident : 사건.일

156.backup friend

157.vomit : 토하다,토사물 it made me just about want to vomit